Friday, 17 May 2013

10 Resources For Extending Learning Over The Summer

children_playingNow that May is here, the sun is shining, the days are longer–it can be very difficult to finish off the school year and plant seeds to avoid summer brain drain. Students are ready for the great outdoors, and teachers are celebrating the end of piles of papers and clutter on their desk. Even parents look forward to summer vacation–for a little while! This feature article is dedicated to keeping us focused for the end of the school year, so we can sneak in a few ideas to promote summer learning.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

The Most-Used i-Pad Apps For Teachers

The 24 (all the apps you can fit on one screen without using folders) most-used and favorite iPad apps for teachers

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

What Job Skills Do You Need?

capture3You might think a good education and top grades are enough to get a good job. So it may surprise you to learn that employers look for other important skills. This article from the Daily Mirror outlines the basic skills employers require and provides sample tests to see if you make the grade.
To read this article click HERE.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

John Seely Brown on Motivating Learners

Innovative thinker John Seely Brown, known for his ideas for merging digital culture and education, shares lessons educators can learn from surfers, gamers, and artists on how passion and competitive hunger can drive intrinsic motivation. To visit his siite and view the video click HERE.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Free Photoshop Tutorial - Self-Publishing Class Books

This is a quick tutorial for those who would like to use Photoshop to create professional looking class books. The step-by-step photos and descriptions will guide you through importing students drawing and creating simple, colorful backgrounds for your class book. The pages can then be printed out or sent off for self-publishing.Click HERE

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Physical Fitness and Sports Activities for Teachers and Parents

A healthy lifestyle should be part of everyday life. This link features activities suitable for teachers and parents who want to engage their students/children.

For more information click HERE